“Bioaerosol sampling and analysis: supporting research and monitoring on pandemic spread and beyond with effective tools”
“Bioaerosol sampling and analysis: supporting research and monitoring on pandemic spread and beyond, with effective tools”
In the Last 10th February 2021, the Symposium was live treating this important subject the Bioaerosol.
Don't worry If you missed it out, we've recorded and you can watch or rewatch it, anytime!
It is a well-established fact that biological particles in air can play a very important role in diverse topics including environmental impact, climate change, health effects and disease transmissions.
However, a thorough understanding of the identity, distribution, features and alteration by atmospheric chemical-physical processes of airborne microorganisms is still a challenge.
Also, the most recent worldwide CoV-2 pandemic situation, made it even more necessary to develop more advanced researches to understand how infectious disease like novel SARS-CoV-2 pandemic virus can spread via bioaerosol which is supposed a relevant way of transmission in certain conditions.
Developments in sampling and analysis techniques have the potential to enable enhanced knowledge in the properties, airborne transport and interactions of bioaerosols.
The purpose of this meeting is to focus on some of the most advanced and promising sampling techniques and analysis to collect and characterize microorganisms in air for major research purposes.
The Symposium is organized by the USA company Aerosol Devices, specialized in the development of advanced bioaerosol sampling systems like BioSpot-VIVASTM, the Italian company XEarPro, specialized in aerosol sampling and monitoring instrumentation and Italian partner of Aerosol Devices, and the University of Trieste (Italy) which has an interdisciplinary research group focusing on bioaerosol research.
The participation is open to all individual interested and there is no registration fee.
All registered attendees will be able to access the full symposium via Zoom digital platform.
It is a well-established fact that biological particles in air can play a very important role in diverse topics including environmental impact, climate change, health effects and disease transmissions.
However, a thorough understanding of the identity, distribution, features and alteration by atmospheric chemical-physical processes of airborne microorganisms is still a challenge.
The most recent worldwide CoV-2 pandemic made it necessary to develop more advanced research to understand how infectious diseases like novel SARS-CoV-2 pandemic virus can spread via aerosol transmission. Until recently, this research area has not been frequently studied.
Developments in sampling and analysis techniques have the potential to enable enhanced knowledge in the properties, airborne transport and interactions of bioaerosols.
The purpose of this meeting is to focus on some of the most advanced and promising sampling techniques and analysis to collect and characterize microorganisms in air for major research purposes.
The Symposium is organized by the USA company Aerosol Devices Inc., specialized in the development of advanced bioaerosol sampling instruments like BioSpot-VIVASTM, the Italian company XEarPro, specialized in aerosol sampling and monitoring instrumentation and Italian partner of Aerosol Devices, and the University of Trieste (Italy) which has an interdisciplinary research group focusing on bioaerosol research.
The participation is open to all individual interested and there is no registration fee.
All registered attendees will be able to access the full symposium via Zoom digital platform.
The Program
Developments in sampling and analysis techniques have the potential to enable enhanced knowledge in the properties, airborne transport and interactions of bioaerosols.
The meeting program includes the presentation of the development of sampling and analysis procedures for bioaerosol research as well as the scientific interventions by the researches who will present new works and results in bioaerosol research.
The interventions will last 15-20 minutes.
The Program
The meeting program includes the presentation of the development of sampling and analysis procedures for bioaerosol research as well as the scientific interventions by the researches who will present new works and results in bioaerosol research.
03:30 pm - 03:45pm
Welcome & Introduction
Aerosol Devices (USA) • XEarPro (ITA) • UNITS (ITA) - Prof. M. Stener Director of DSCF
03:45 pm - 04:05 pm
Sampling Systems for Bioaerosols and Novelties
Ms. Pat Keady
CEO Aerosol Devices, United States
04:05 pm - 04:25 pm
Challenges for bioaerosol research from COVID-19 pandemic and interdisciplinary approaches
Prof. Pierluigi Barbieri
University of Trieste, Italy
Dr. Sabina Licen
University of Trieste, Italy
Literature search on the ongoing pandemic spread of COVID-19 evidences a variety of sampling and analysis approaches in characterization of airborne presence of SARS-CoV-2. Relevant analytical targets still need to be properly defined and procedures to be optimized, standardized and disseminated Challenges and proposals will be discussed.
04:25 pm - 04:45 pm
Marine microbes structuring ocean-atmosphere ecosystem
Prof. Francesca Malfatti
University of Trieste, Italy | CASPO, SIO, United States
Marine microbes are important environmental engineers. Within their biogeochemical actions they keep the ecosystem functioning. We will explore recent discoveries on the importance of marine microbes in sea spray aerosol structure and reactivity.
04:45 pm - 05:05 pm
Bioaerosol analysis. Development of procedures for sample preparation, RNA analysis and infectivity
Prof. Sergio Crovella
Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University, Doha, State of Qatar
Beside environmental monitoring of viral RNA presence, sound and informative risk assessment on SARS-CoV-2 transmission, aimed at achieving reliable results an infectivity assay is mandatory to verify the potential risk of infection. Here we propose an indirect SARS-Cov2 detection method, also testing for infectivity on Vero cells model for bioaerosol sampling-schemes not having implemented samplers dedicated to preserve virus viability.
05:05 pm - 05:25 pm
Efficient Collection of Viable SARS-COV-2 Aerosol
Prof. Chang-Yu Wu
University of Florida (USA)
Because the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in aerosols but failure to isolate viable (infectious) virus cannot resolve the substantial controversy whether severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) can be transmitted through aerosols, we sought to answer the question by using VIVAS air samplers that operate on a gentle water vapor condensation principle. Viable SARS-CoV-2, ranging from 6 to 74 TCID50 units/L of air, was successfully isolated from air samples collected 2 to 4.8 m away from the patients, and the genome sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 strain isolated from the material collected by the VIVAS was identical to that isolated from the newly admitted patient. The results illustrate that these aerosols may serve as a source of transmission of the virus.
The Organizers
Established to operate in the development of applications and solutions to protect the environment around us, XEARPRO was born from an experience of 20 years in the field of environmental monitoring.
We provide solutions for pollution control with highly technological products. In the current scenario of the “pollution monitoring” sector, our solutions are concerned with the design and construction of state-of-the-art instrumentation.
Aerosol Devices Inc. was founded in 2014 in Fort Collins, Colorado by two professional women in aerosols. Our primary goal is to bring to market advanced aerosol collector technology developed by Dr. Susanne Hering and her creative team of scientists at Aerosol Dynamics Inc. (Berkeley, CA). Over the past five years, research prototypes were developed to collect uninterrupted, time-resolved, concentrated samples of ambient aerosol particles in the field for chemical analysis in the lab.
The Department of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences (DSCF) of the University of Trieste was established in 2010 through the amalgamation of the Department of Chemical Sciences and the Faculty of Pharmacy and, from the autumn of 2012, is responsible for the organisation and teaching activities of the various degree courses in Chemistry, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical and Chemical Technology (CTF), previously the responsibility of the defunct Faculties of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences and of Pharmacy.